Ralph E. Grabowski - marketingVP - fact-gathering, analytical Marketing to steer the enterprise



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I teach Marketing because
for Boston University
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Teaching program
Co-founded MIT's entrepreneurship program
About the teacher


MIT's entrepreneurship program

I co-founded MIT's entrepreneurship program in the 1980s.  This was launched and flowered under the initiative of the MIT Enterprise Forum.  Our goal was to teach technologists the entrepreneurial process, the upstream marketing process, and the relationship between marketing and engineering.

I also co-founded the popular MIT Sloan School of Management graduate course, "Starting And Running A High Tech Company."  The lessons were designed to teach Sloan MBA students the entrepreneurial process, management of the startup, marketing budgeting, and the upstream marketing process.

Besides helping to create and direct MIT's original entrepreneurship program, I taught the "High Tech Marketing And Sales" section for twelve years, incorporating this material into the Sloan grad course.

Three segments from the first Course Reader for the Sloan course, from the "High Tech Marketing And Sales" portion, are on line at:

  1. "Who Is Going To Buy The Darn Thing?"

  2. "Marketing, the Bridge for Growing from Engineer to Entrepreneur"

  3. "The Importance of the Selling Process"

As a consequence, entrepreneurship blossomed at MIT with perhaps 5% of the student body participating.  Following our lead, a number of student-led and educational initiatives arose, including the Entrepreneurship Club, the MIT $10K Business Plan Competition (now known as the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition) and the Entrepreneurship Center.


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I teach Marketing because
for Boston University
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Teaching program
Co-founded MIT's entrepreneurship program
About the teacher

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